Geekzine Team
Andy Jamieson, Geekzine Editor-in-Chief:
Sometime Geek Overlord, bi-monthly Dungeon Master, part-time care worker, reigning Husband of the Year, & full-time daddy. Also, proficient proverbial juggler.
Jonathan Taylor, Assistant Editor:
Full-time bookseller, part-time Lord of the Sea, 100% Geek. I love books,
comics, games (computer and board), and all Bruce Boxleitner reated media. I
could beat you at Tekken 2.
Ryan S Thomason, Artist:
Still can’t stand up by himself
Kate West:
no relation to Adam, but just as much of a superhero.
Chris ‘skuhtu’ Shooter, Geekzine Games Editor, Cartoonist and Webmaster:
Father, Computer and Network guru, part-time cartoonist and runner-up for the hotly contested Husband of the Year award and also a Magic the Gathering fan.
Campbell Irvine, General Layabout and Tech Lord:
Husband and Father who is into generally into everything geek related. I’m primarily here to help Chris with all the tech work for our great website and probably insert my views on the odd xbox game and post some reviews of films/TV shows.
Excelsior, Nanoo Nanoo, Live Long and Prosper – you get the idea.
Hello Geekzine team!
I would like to advertise my Indiegogo page for a project that involves real life adaptations of anime, comic, and video game characters, self-defense, and history of weapons/live demonstrations in 4K.
Thank you very much!