Welcome one and all to the inaugural Geekzine podcast! It’s something we’ve been trying to plan for a while, and now things have finally come together (albeit in a definitely low-tech way) we’re kicking it off with an interview with Edinburgh-based author (and Geekzine editor) Andrew Jamieson, who’s just published his second novel, Children of War. A mind-blowing blend of steampunk, fantasy and Lovecraftian horror, Children of War is part two of Andrew’s epic saga The Chronicles of Edenos, and promises to be a fascinating story of war and conspiracy. Throughout the course of the interview, we discuss his writing process, his influences, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E Howard, Game of Thrones, the ebook industry, violence in fantasy and much more! Have a listen:
Please let us know what you thought, either here on the website or via Facebook, Twitter or Soundcloud. As we move forward with the podcast, we’d love to know what you’d all like to hear on future installments, whether that be more interviews, roundtable discussions or something else entirely. Enjoy!